~~NOTOC~~ ====== BEDisplayDebugger ====== ---- dataentry extension ---- type : extension author_mail : briancensor@gmail.com Brian Ensor description : A class to debug display object bounds lastupdate_dt : 2011-06-11 compatible : v1.2 depends : tags : debug, border, object, display, bounds, view homepage_url : https://gist.github.com/1020864 download_url : https://gist.github.com/gists/1020864/download ---- \\ [[/users/brian/start|My Wiki Page]] \\ ===== Usage ===== BEDisplayDebugger places bounds boxes around visible objects to assist in finding placement issues. For example, this would show you if a sprite was preventing your button from getting triggered. {{http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/1754/screenshot20110611at129.png?200|}} To use, just add this code to your stage. The levels value lets you decide how deep the class iterates into the display tree. Level 1 is a direct descendant of the stage. BEDisplayDebugger *debugger = [BEDisplayDebugger debuggerWithLevels:3]; [self addChild:debugger]; That's all you need to do! ===== Changelog ===== * //2011/06/11 21:19//: First public version ===== Source Code ===== %gist(1020864)% ===== Discussion ===== //No comments so far. Feel free to edit this part of the page.//