~~NOTOC~~ ====== Extensions ====== Sparrow is lucky to be supported by many great people and talented programmers. Many of those have already created numerous add-on classes you can use in your game. This page lists all extensions that are available, giving you a simple means to browse through them and cherry-pick those you can use in your game. If you want to create and share your own extension, visit this page to find out how to do it: [[Creating an Extension]]. ===== List of Extensions ===== The Sparrow 2.0 updated introduced some major, API breaking changes (most notably the switch to ARC and OpenGL ES 2.0). So not all 1.x extensions will work with Sparrow 2.x. If you find an extension in the 1.x list that works just fine in Sparrow 2, please edit that extension page and update the "compatible with" property. Thanks in advance! //Or, for bonus points, fix it if it's broken!// :-D ==== Sparrow 2.x ==== ---- datatable extension ---- cols : %title%, description, tags, compatible headers : Name, Description, Tags, Compatible with filter : compatible >= v2 ---- ==== Sparrow 1.x ==== ---- datatable extension ---- cols : %title%, description, tags, compatible headers : Name, Description, Tags, Compatible with filter : compatible < v2 ---- ===== Libraries supporting Sparrow ===== A growing number of libraries work well with the Sparrow Framework. Please add them to this list! * [[http://threerings.github.io/flump/|Flump]] is an open-source tool for converting Flash keyframe animations into GPU-friendly formats. * [[http://kamcord.com|Kamcord]] lets you record and share gameplay videos * [[https://www.chartboost.com|Chartboost]] --- get more users or earn money with your games