~~NOTOC~~ ====== SXPointSpriteGroup ====== ---- dataentry extension ---- type : extension #or 'mod' if it requires changing the Sparrow source author_mail : pixelrevision@gmail.com Malcolm description : Create a point sprite group for things like particle effects. #enter a short description of the extension lastupdate_dt : 2011-04-11 #the date you created the extension compatible : v1.1 #the Sparrow version you tested the extension with depends : #if the ext. depends on others, list them here tags : point sprites, particles #enter a few tags, separated by commas homepage_url : https://gist.github.com/912119 #if the ext. has an URL (e.g. a Gist-page), add it here download_url : https://gist.github.com/gists/912119/download #a direct link to the download (e.g. the Gist-archive) ---- ===== Usage ===== Subclass the class and override the update method to mess with particles: - (void)update:(SPEnterFrameEvent*)event{ for(int i=0; ix += i * .1; ps->y += i * .1; } [super update:event]; } ===== Changelog ===== * //2011/04/11 22:24//: First public version ===== Source Code ===== %gist(912119)% ===== Discussion ===== //No comments so far. Feel free to edit this part of the page.//