~~NOTOC~~ ====== SXRadialBlurFilter ====== ---- dataentry extension ---- author_mail : alessandro.maroso@gmail.com Alessandro Maroso description : A simple radial blur filter. # enter a short description of the extension lastupdate_dt : 2014-11-27 # the date you created the extension compatible : v2.1 # the Sparrow version you tested the extension with depends : # if the ext. depends on others, list them here tags : # enter a few tags, separated by commas homepage_url : https://gist.github.com/membersheep/bbf5f7d0b524913b592e download_url : https://gist.github.com/membersheep/bbf5f7d0b524913b592e/download ---- ===== Usage ===== Altering the parameters will dinamically affect the result. Usage example: SXRadialBlurFilter *filter = [SXRadialBlurFilter blurFilter]; filter.blurCenterPosition = [SPPoint pointWithX:center.x y:center.y]; filter.distance = 1; filter.strength = 2; displayObject.filter = filter; {{ :extensions:radial-blur.png?nolink |}} === Notes === * The filter is written with MRC; if you want to add this filter in an ARC-enabled project, follow [[http://jeffreysambells.com/2012/02/21/disable-arc-in-xcode-on-a-per-file-basis|these steps]] to selectively deactivate ARC for the radial blur filter. * Use the ''marginX/Y'' property of the filter if it the effect is cut at the sides. * Change the "blur" parameter to change the number of passes. More passes result in a smoother blur but also worse performances. ===== Changelog ===== * //2014/11/27 20:58//: First public version ===== Source Code ===== %gist(bbf5f7d0b524913b592e)% ===== Discussion ===== //No comments so far. Feel free to edit this part of the page.//