====== Sparrow Wiki ====== ~~NOTOC~~ This is the public wiki page of the [[http://www.sparrow-framework.org|Sparrow Framework]] --- the Open Source Game Engine for iOS. The purpose of the Wiki is to act as a hub for the Sparrow community. It should provide an ever-growing resource for documentation, a place to share custom extensions and to showcase games that were created with the framework. === Learning Sparrow === * [[manual:start|The Sparrow Manual]] --- a good starting point for new users * [[tutorials:start|Tutorials & Code Snippets]] --- Howtos about various topics === Extending Sparrow === * [[extensions:start|Extensions for Sparrow]] --- extend your Sparrow === About Sparrow === * [[games:start|Showcase]] --- show off your Sparrow-powered games here * [[users:start|Sparrow Community Area]] --- create your own Sparrow wiki === Other Resources === * [[http://forum.sparrow-framework.org|Sparrow Community Forum]] * [[http://doc.sparrow-framework.org|Sparrow API Reference]] * [[https://github.com/Gamua/Sparrow-Framework|Sparrow on GitHub]] with [[https://github.com/Gamua/Sparrow-Framework/issues|issue tracker]] ====== About this Wiki ====== This [[wp>wiki]] is powered by [[doku>wiki:dokuwiki|DokuWiki]], which is a great and flexible Wiki-Engine --- and, just like Sparrow, it is Open Source software. If you want to use the same style for your own DokuWiki installation, feel free to grab our Gamua template from [[https://github.com/Gamua/Dokuwiki-Template-Gamua|GitHub]]. To make contributions as simple and hassle-free as possible, this Wiki is open for everyone. To edit pages, you don't even need to register! This should make it easy to fix errors or provide additional information. Anybody is welcome here, beginners just as experienced users. //Help us to keep the Wiki free of spam and vandalism!// To create new pages, however, you have to be logged in. Create an account by clicking on the "Log in" button at the bottom of the page. That way, each page has an "owner" we can contact if problems or questions arise.