====== Shilo's Extensions for Sparrow ====== These extensions are created by Shilo. ===== List of Extensions ===== //An extension consists of one or more classes you can add to your game to enhance its functionality. Most of my extensions will have a prefix of "SH", which is short for my name, "Shilo".// == Sparrow 2.X == ---- datatable extension ---- cols : %title%, description, tags, compatible headers : Name, Description, Tags, Compatible with filter : type=extension filterand : compatible >= v2 filterand : author_mail=shilo86@gmail.com Shilo White ---- ==== Sparrow 1.X ==== ---- datatable extension ---- cols : %title%, description, tags, compatible headers : Name, Description, Tags, Compatible with filter : type=extension filterand : compatible < v2 filterand : author_mail=shilo86@gmail.com Shilo White ---- ===== List of Mods ===== //A mod works similar to an extension, but requires you to make changes to the Sparrow source code. It might become an extension if the source code changes get integrated into Sparrow. **Use them with care!** // ---- datatable extension ---- cols : %title%, description, tags, compatible headers : Name, Description, Tags, Compatible with filter : type=mod filterand : author_mail=shilo86@gmail.com Shilo White ---- ===== List of Requests ===== * Extension for [[http://www.mapeditor.org|Tiled Map Editor]] TMX support. ====== Disclaimer ====== The following resources are not provided by Gamua or Daniel. They are primarily provided as a starting point for learning the internals of Sparrow and should be used with caution. If you need any support on the forums, please mention that you are using the following resource.