Shilo's Extensions for Sparrow

These extensions are created by Shilo.

List of Extensions

An extension consists of one or more classes you can add to your game to enhance its functionality. Most of my extensions will have a prefix of “SH”, which is short for my name, “Shilo”.

Sparrow 2.X
NameDescriptionTags Compatible with
SHShakeEventA Sparrow 2.x extension for handling shake/motion events.motion, shake, eventv2.X
SPTextField+JustifyA category for Sparrow 2.X that allows a bitmap SPTextField to justify align.text, textfield, justify, justified, justificationv2.X
SPQuad+ColorComponentsA category for Sparrow 2.X that allows a SPQuad (or subclass) to get/set red, green, and blue color components.quad, image, color, red, green, bluev2.X
SPDisplayObject+ImageA category for Sparrow 2.X that allows a SPDisplayObject to be dynamically converted to a UIImage.object, image, spdisplayobject, uiimagev2.X
SHThumbstickA robust thumbstick.thumbstick, joystick, joypad, dpad, controllerv2.X
SHAnimatableColorA simple animatable color extension for Sparrow.animate, color, animatable colorv2.X
SHPolygonA Sparrow 2.X extension for polygon shapes and polygon-shaped images.polygon, shape, image, texturev2.0
XDImageAn extension for Sparrow that allows 9-slice scaling of images and buttons.9-slice, slice, scale, scaling, image, buttonv2.0
SPDisplayObject+SnapshotAn extension that takes advantage of GLKView's snapshot method to create UIImages of specific display objects.snapshot, image, screenshotv2.0
XDSpinnerAn extension that allows highly customizable activity indicators.Spinner, Activity, Indicatorv2.0
SPTween+RepeatValuesA category for Sparrow that allows setting the repeat total time and repeat start values of properties.tween, repeat, startv2.0
SPTexture+LineA category for Sparrow that draws rounded lines via SPTexture and Core Graphics.texture, line, roundv2.0
SPStage+TransparencyAn extension for Sparrow 2.0 to render the stage background transparent and non-opaque, allowing interactions with UIKit elements behind the Sparrow view.rotation, uiviewv2.0
NSString+SpacingA NSString category that allows spacing between characters.NSString, string, spacingv2.0
NSObject+AssociatedValuesA simple Objective-C wrapper that allows easier use of Associated Objects.associative, associated, objects, nsobject, runtimev2.0
MemoryManagerA simple static class to output semi-accurate memory usage and free memory during runtime.memory, usage, freev2.0
UIImage+AdditionsA UIImage category that will replace or remove colors. This allows multiple colors to be changed on a single image, until it has alpha values.replace, remove, image, uiimagev2.0
UIView+AdditionsA simple category that allows one to easily set/get UIView rotation.rotation, uiviewv2.0

Sparrow 1.X

NameDescriptionTags Compatible with
SPDisplayObject+LoopabilityA simple category for Sparrow that allows one to change the loopability of a SPDisplayObject.loop, loopable, loopability, spdisplayobject, enterframeeventv1.X
SHOverflowTextFieldA simple overflow text extension for Sparrow.overflow, text, sptextfieldv1.X
SHPolygon (OLD VERSION)A simple customizable polygon.polygon, shape, primitivev1.X
SHShakeEventA simple shake event.shake, event, shakeeventv1.X
SHCircleA simple customizable, primitivev1.X
SHFingerTrailA simple finger trail. (testing phase)finger, trail, particlev1.X
SHClippedSpriteA simple clipped sprite.clip, sprite, clippedspritev1.X
SHPinchEventA simple pinch event.pinch, event, pincheventv1.X
SPTextField+ShadowA category for Sparrow that allows shadows on a SPTextField.shadow, drop shadow, text, sptextfieldv1.X
SHBlendModesA category that allows blend modes via presets or custom blends.blend, blending, mode, blend modev1.X
SHSwipeEventA simple swipe event.swipe, event, swipeeventv1.X
OrientatedViewControllerA UIViewController subclass that allows one to easily set the allowed orientations and content orientation.orientation, uiviewcontrollerv1.X
SPTextField+AutoSizeA simple category for Sparrow that allows one to auto size an, size, text, sptextfieldv1.X
SPTexture+AdditionsA SPTexture category for Sparrow that will replace or remove colors.replace, remove, color, sptexturev1.X
SPRenderTexture+EraseA category for Sparrow that allows erasing of a SPRenderTexture.erase, render, texture, sprendertexturev1.X
SPDisplayObject+ImageA category for Sparrow that allows a SPDisplayObject to be dynamically converted to a UIImage.object, image, spdisplayobject, uiimagev1.X
SHSplashScreenA simple splash screen.splash, splashscreen, advertisement, logov1.X
SHMotionBlurSpriteA simple sprite with a motion blur effect.motion, blur, spritev1.X
SHLineA simple customizable line.line, primitivev1.X
Sparrow+SupportPadResolutionA Sparrow category that allows support for iPad resolution.ipad, resolution, texture, hdv1.X
SHAlphaTextureAn extension for Sparrow that allows alpha handing of texture-based objects.texture, image, button, alpha, touchv1.X

List of Mods

A mod works similar to an extension, but requires you to make changes to the Sparrow source code. It might become an extension if the source code changes get integrated into Sparrow. Use them with care!

List of Requests


The following resources are not provided by Gamua or Daniel. They are primarily provided as a starting point for learning the internals of Sparrow and should be used with caution. If you need any support on the forums, please mention that you are using the following resource.

  users/shilo/extensions/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/07/31 07:45 by
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