
Sparrow is lucky to be supported by many great people and talented programmers. Many of those have already created numerous add-on classes you can use in your game.

This page lists all extensions that are available, giving you a simple means to browse through them and cherry-pick those you can use in your game. If you want to create and share your own extension, visit this page to find out how to do it: Creating an Extension.

List of Extensions

The Sparrow 2.0 updated introduced some major, API breaking changes (most notably the switch to ARC and OpenGL ES 2.0). So not all 1.x extensions will work with Sparrow 2.x. If you find an extension in the 1.x list that works just fine in Sparrow 2, please edit that extension page and update the “compatible with” property. Thanks in advance!

Or, for bonus points, fix it if it's broken! :-D

Sparrow 2.x

Name DescriptionTagsCompatible with
NSString+SpacingA NSString category that allows spacing between characters.NSString, string, spacingv2.0
SHPolygonA Sparrow 2.X extension for polygon shapes and polygon-shaped images.polygon, shape, image, texturev2.0
SHShakeEventA Sparrow 2.x extension for handling shake/motion events.motion, shake, eventv2.X
UIImage+AdditionsA UIImage category that will replace or remove colors. This allows multiple colors to be changed on a single image, until it has alpha values.replace, remove, image, uiimagev2.0
SPDisplayObject+ImageA category for Sparrow 2.X that allows a SPDisplayObject to be dynamically converted to a UIImage.object, image, spdisplayobject, uiimagev2.X
SPQuad+ColorComponentsA category for Sparrow 2.X that allows a SPQuad (or subclass) to get/set red, green, and blue color components.quad, image, color, red, green, bluev2.X
SPTextField+JustifyA category for Sparrow 2.X that allows a bitmap SPTextField to justify align.text, textfield, justify, justified, justificationv2.X
SPTween+RepeatValuesA category for Sparrow that allows setting the repeat total time and repeat start values of properties.tween, repeat, startv2.0
SPTexture+LineA category for Sparrow that draws rounded lines via SPTexture and Core Graphics.texture, line, roundv2.0
SXBezierCurveA customisable curved line.line, curved, bezier, texturev2.1
SHThumbstickA robust thumbstick.thumbstick, joystick, joypad, dpad, controllerv2.X
NSObject+AssociatedValuesA simple Objective-C wrapper that allows easier use of Associated Objects.associative, associated, objects, nsobject, runtimev2.0
SHAnimatableColorA simple animatable color extension for Sparrow.animate, color, animatable colorv2.X
UIView+AdditionsA simple category that allows one to easily set/get UIView rotation.rotation, uiviewv2.0
JTLineA simple customisable line.linev2.x
SXGaugeA simple gauge / progress bar.gauge, bar, texturev2.0
SXRadialBlurFilterA simple radial blur filter.v2.1
MemoryManagerA simple static class to output semi-accurate memory usage and free memory during runtime.memory, usage, freev2.0
SPStage+TransparencyAn extension for Sparrow 2.0 to render the stage background transparent and non-opaque, allowing interactions with UIKit elements behind the Sparrow view.rotation, uiviewv2.0
XDImageAn extension for Sparrow that allows 9-slice scaling of images and buttons.9-slice, slice, scale, scaling, image, buttonv2.0
XDSpinnerAn extension that allows highly customizable activity indicators.Spinner, Activity, Indicatorv2.0
SPDisplayObject+SnapshotAn extension that takes advantage of GLKView's snapshot method to create UIImages of specific display objects.snapshot, image, screenshotv2.0
SXPhysicsExtension that provides Box2D (2.3.0) physic library integration.Box2D, Physicsv2.1
SXFlumpParses Flump exports into Sparrow runtimeflump, runtimev2.0
SXParticleSystemParticle System for special effectsparticle, particle-system, 71squaredv2.0
SXMaskedSpriteProvides pixel level masking for any Sparrow display object.maskv2.1
Texture UniversalizerTool to create universal textures for iOS.texture, image, resize, renamev2.0

Sparrow 1.x

Name DescriptionTagsCompatible with
SPTexture+AdditionsA SPTexture category for Sparrow that will replace or remove colors.replace, remove, color, sptexturev1.X
Sparrow+SupportPadResolutionA Sparrow category that allows support for iPad resolution.ipad, resolution, texture, hdv1.X
SXMotionTweenA Tween to move any SPDisplayObject along an arbitrary Bezier pathAnimationv1.1
OrientatedViewControllerA UIViewController subclass that allows one to easily set the allowed orientations and content orientation.orientation, uiviewcontrollerv1.X
SPDisplayObject+ImageA category for Sparrow that allows a SPDisplayObject to be dynamically converted to a UIImage.object, image, spdisplayobject, uiimagev1.X
SPRenderTexture+EraseA category for Sparrow that allows erasing of a SPRenderTexture.erase, render, texture, sprendertexturev1.X
SPTextField+ShadowA category for Sparrow that allows shadows on a SPTextField.shadow, drop shadow, text, sptextfieldv1.X
SHBlendModesA category that allows blend modes via presets or custom blends.blend, blending, mode, blend modev1.X
BEDisplayDebuggerA class to debug display object boundsdebug, border, object, display, bounds, viewv1.2
BELinkHelperA helper class for App Store LinksApp Store, Link, Helper, Ratings, URLAll
SXFPSMeterA quick and dirty FPS meter.FPS, frames per second, meterv1.1
SPTextField+AutoSizeA simple category for Sparrow that allows one to auto size an SPTextField.auto, size, text, sptextfieldv1.X
SPDisplayObject+LoopabilityA simple category for Sparrow that allows one to change the loopability of a SPDisplayObject.loop, loopable, loopability, spdisplayobject, enterframeeventv1.X
SHClippedSpriteA simple clipped sprite.clip, sprite, clippedspritev1.X
SHCircleA simple customizable circle.circle, primitivev1.X
SHLineA simple customizable line.line, primitivev1.X
SHPolygon (OLD VERSION)A simple customizable polygon.polygon, shape, primitivev1.X
SHFingerTrailA simple finger trail. (testing phase)finger, trail, particlev1.X
SXJoypadA simple joypad for use with sparrowJoypad, controller, movementv1.1
SHOverflowTextFieldA simple overflow text extension for Sparrow.overflow, text, sptextfieldv1.X
BEParallaxSpriteA simple parallax background sprite.parallax, scrolling, background, layersv1.1
SHPinchEventA simple pinch event.pinch, event, pincheventv1.X
SHShakeEventA simple shake event.shake, event, shakeeventv1.X
SXSliderA simple slider control similar to UISliderslider, uislider, formv1.1
SHSplashScreenA simple splash screen.splash, splashscreen, advertisement, logov1.X
SHMotionBlurSpriteA simple sprite with a motion blur effect.motion, blur, spritev1.X
SHSwipeEventA simple swipe event.swipe, event, swipeeventv1.X
SXSwitchA simple switch similar to UISwitchuiswitch, switch, togglev1.1
SXCompiledTileMapA tilemap setup for sparrow using compiled sprites as the rendering methodtilemap, sparrow, 8bitv1.1
GamePlayViewControllerA view controller for SPView.SPView, SPStagev1.1
BEScreenAn easy way to handle orientationorientation, rotation, rotate, landscape, portraitv1.2
SHAlphaTextureAn extension for Sparrow that allows alpha handing of texture-based objects.texture, image, button, alpha, touchv1.X
TiledboxAn interface between Tiled, Box2D, and SparrowTileMap, Tiled, Box2d, Physicsv1.X
SXCroppedImageApply a simple rectangular mask for any SPImage.image, crop, maskv1.1
Alignable-objectsCategories to align every SPDisplayObject and arrange children in a SPDisplayObjectContaineralignable, arranging, aligningv1.2
SXPointSpriteGroupCreate a point sprite group for things like particle effects.point sprites, particlesv1.1
SPTextField with InputLets you type into an SPTextFieldtext, input, field, keyboardv1.1
SXSimpleClippedImageSimple extension of SPImage which allows you to clip a rectangular area within the SPImage.clip, image, clipped, maskv1.2
ESpriteThis is an enhanced sprite for sparrowsprite, ESpritev1.2
TMX Tile MapsThis is my implementation of maps from the Tiled application into Sparrowtilemap, tiledv1.2

Libraries supporting Sparrow

A growing number of libraries work well with the Sparrow Framework. Please add them to this list!

  • Flump is an open-source tool for converting Flash keyframe animations into GPU-friendly formats.
  • Kamcord lets you record and share gameplay videos
  • Chartboost — get more users or earn money with your games
  extensions/start.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/14 11:15 by
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